Wednesday 20 March 2013

Technically Speaking

Now that we're making books again for a project, we have certain rules we must abide by. Font sizes, page sizes, line lengths and type conventions must all be taken into account when designing a book. Unfortunately, I don't like to get too  technical, so naturally I mess this up sometimes.

However, I found this particular web page I can glance back at between my Indesign file. It shows all of the conventions in one page concerning page sizes and the golden ratio. These aspects of a book are important because they make for an easy-to-read book as well as a comprehensible sizing for digital media (ebooks). Though these rules can be broken from time to time for different effects, unless such an effect is intended or warranted, they should be followed.

  • Page size: Golden ratio
  • Body copy must be no smaller than 7pts and no larger than 11 pts
  • The font you choose for your body copy should have at least a regular, bold, and italic weight for different effects
  • The headings, subheadings, and titles should be in (golden) ratio to one another
  • Margins should be appropriate to the sizing of the book
  • Book copy should flow easily for the reader and not be too text heavy. In other words, topics should be broken up in such a way that the reader's eyes do not strain
Hope this helps some of you that have the same issues getting technical!

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