Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Just to give a second look at a topic, I am going to revisit the topic of my recently finished whisky package. I had a classmate critique said package:

"The Molotov Cocktail package imitates the label to a tee. The design focuses on a strong typeface with a tall, sans serif that looks almost burned in. The design is a pure type solution, and works very well. However, It might have been more engaging had the package contrasted the label as opposed to mimicking it completely. Perhaps carrying the back panel's design through the rest of the box would have added some contrast.
I really like the addition of the aged photograph to the inside of the package. When the bottle is removed, the photo is revealed, which adds interest.
Overall I believe the design works for the intended audience. Other criticism is minor things, mostly on the bottom of the package. The word 'distributed' should be capitalized, and the recycle icon may have been nicer if it were applied with the same burned-in effects as the type, as of now it appears to be slapped on as an afterthought."

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