Wednesday 6 March 2013

Homer Watson-Street or Feat?

Dear Internet,

As I live in Kitchener, Ontario, I thought it may be nice to reflect on the local historical buildings. One such building is the Homer Watson Art Gallery on Old Mill Road, right down the street from my school (Homer Watson is also the street that my school is off of). When reading up on the history of this  place, I found out a few interesting things about Homer Watson and his art career.

  • Homer Watson was a founding member of the Canadian Art Club
  • While touring Canada, Oscar Wilde met with Watson and sent him letters, his name for him being "the Canadian Constable" comparing his style to the famous painter
  • In 1880 he sold The Pioneer Mill to Queen Victoria, and it is still in the royal archives

Culturally this house is a piece of local history, and in the memory of the late Homer Watson, all manners of art classes are taught here, and the house can be rented for photographers seeking a more vintage background. I find it amazing that they continue his tradition in his old home as he would have wanted, to carry on the spirit of Canadian arts in a cozy environment rich with history.

Photos from

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