Saturday 2 March 2013


Dear Internet,

I love little things that make my day a little cuter/funnier. I love how a car's lights and grills look like faces, or how electrical outlets look like a surprised face. When these things can double as something useful, you got me. One such example is the Toasty USB hub and 4 GB sticks.

Each of these toasty little buggers is 4GB, and the hub has 4 ports as well as a micro SD card reader. Perfect. The hub being $29.99 and each of the toasties being $24.99, it was a little pricey. However, when I headed over to I found them on sale! I am now the proud owner of a toaster hub and butta toast, which will make my long days at school that much toastier.

Buy them while they're still on sale!

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