Wednesday 20 March 2013

Oh, the Frustration

Alright, boys and girls, today we have something a little different. Yes, we have a first world problem. I went to to the local drug store to buy conditioner, went home to use it...and it was shampoo. Naturally. Now normally I would have blamed myself, had it been an honest mistake. However, when I looked at each of the bottles in a sea of shampoos and conditioners, I realized that they look the same, save for one is upside down. The size, label, colour, everything is the same.
To someone like me, who just grabs things according to colour and label distinction, this is somewhat frustrating. This is also the second time this has happened to me. The last time was with herbal essences, I thought I was buying conditioner, and when I brought it home, it was a 2 in 1. It had the exact same label, colour and orientation on the bottle as the regular conditioner, save for the microscopic sized "Shampoo and Conditioner" under the label. As designers, we should be able to communicate to an audience what the product is quickly, or in some way that the people shopping for the product can tell it is different somehow. Making the label a pastel blue instead of a deep blue, or making the bottle a different shape. Putting it in a different kind of bottle, perhaps (clear vs opaque).

Herbal essences had a system where the two bottles would fit together, and were easily distinguishable from each other.

This is a much better system for telling them apart. You could walk by, and without a second thought, grab one or the other. And that concludes this first world problem rant. Now the weather.

pictures from google

Technically Speaking

Now that we're making books again for a project, we have certain rules we must abide by. Font sizes, page sizes, line lengths and type conventions must all be taken into account when designing a book. Unfortunately, I don't like to get too  technical, so naturally I mess this up sometimes.

However, I found this particular web page I can glance back at between my Indesign file. It shows all of the conventions in one page concerning page sizes and the golden ratio. These aspects of a book are important because they make for an easy-to-read book as well as a comprehensible sizing for digital media (ebooks). Though these rules can be broken from time to time for different effects, unless such an effect is intended or warranted, they should be followed.

  • Page size: Golden ratio
  • Body copy must be no smaller than 7pts and no larger than 11 pts
  • The font you choose for your body copy should have at least a regular, bold, and italic weight for different effects
  • The headings, subheadings, and titles should be in (golden) ratio to one another
  • Margins should be appropriate to the sizing of the book
  • Book copy should flow easily for the reader and not be too text heavy. In other words, topics should be broken up in such a way that the reader's eyes do not strain
Hope this helps some of you that have the same issues getting technical!

Job Application

Though I am still a student, I'm currently in line for a job offering for a full time graphic designer for my school. I thought I would share the process as it goes, and see what becomes of it. So far the job description was presented to us by a student life representative, and we were told to send in a resume and cover letter.

I had never written a cover letter before, as all of the jobs I've had were simply through connections. But with a little help I got through that one. Phew. With that out of the way, I designed a graphic designer-type resume and handed it in to the secretary at the student life desk.

So far no one else, including myself has heard back from the student life office as of yet, but I will keep you updated, as I still have to put a portfolio together and present it to them!

Paper Waste vs. E-Waste

  1. One of the issues that come up with design is sustainability and being environmentally friendly. As such, there are different waste types to look at. E-waste and paper waste. In the end, however, I would have to say that e-waste is much worse than paper waste for a number of reasons.
  2. Though e-waste is only 2% of America's trash in landfills (20 million to 50 metric tons), it is responsible for 70% of the overall toxic waste. Extreme amounts of lead can cripple several organs in the human body. Metals such as copper, gold, and mercury can be found in any electronic device, and these metals-once refined- are not safe to go back into the earth. Paper, however, is 100% biodegradable, can be reused up to 7 times, and is recycled 70% of the time, where electronics are only recycled 18% of the time. 
There is also the matter of how much energy goes into making these items. It take the same amount of energy to make a computer and monitor as it does to make a small car. None of the products can be harvested or replaced naturally, and therefore take even more energy.  

In the end, it should be stated that paper waste does not even compare to e-waste, both in harmful effects, energy consumption, sustainability and the amount that is actually recycled.

Strengths vs. Weaknesses

When we attended interviews for this program, we were all chosen based off of a few things:

1. Talent
2. Personality
3. Grade Point Average

My portfolio was dominantly illustration work, with there being little to no type at all. My illustrations were of many traditional and digital mediums, and as such I showed variety. However, when it comes to certain things I can't seem to get my mind around it. Type is one such example.

Anything type related always gets the better of me. Choosing fonts, kerning, and layout always seem to take me the longest to iron out. I can't wrap my mind around it. I try to focus more on that aspect of my work now, as it is something I have to give strict attention, lest I forget something very important. However, I learn a great deal from others in my class who are more dominant in that area, and the dynamic of the class allows us to learn from each other as well as from teachers and books.

Design By Humans

Sometimes amazing artists go unnoticed. Whether it's bad work conditions, or they don't have enough experience in their field, sometimes the most creative work comes from those who are not bound to the restrictions of the daily grind.

Design By Humans is a website where you can buy artistic t-shirts made by your average human beings. You submit your designs to the website, and you gather votes on your designs. If enough people vote for your shirt design, you get it printed. When people buy the shirts, you get a fraction of the profits.

The website also holds contests, such as the Dark Knight Rises contest they had before the movie was released to theatres. Chris Nolan and the DBH judges chose these winners. Each artist submitted work in progress snapshots as well as the design, and were rewarded respective prizes for their designs.

All photos from

Kings and Queens

There is much inspiration to be found in music videos. However, music videos nowadays usually consist of no concept, it's simply said artist trying to make themselves look as good as possible while they "perform" their song. It's unfortunate, because you can communicate so much in a music video-even if it's not right in your face. There can be an underlying story or concept that the viewer can derive from what you show them. "Bartholomew Cubbins" AKA Jared Leto, the lead singer of 30 Seconds to Mars, understands this completely, and when he directs the music videos for the band's songs, the end result is always awe inspiring. One such example is the video for Kings and Queens, their debut single for the album This is War. 

The video for this amazing song is all about concept and story, not featuring models in bikinis and bottle service in a club. The video is shot with atmosphere in mind, not necessarily to "showcase" the faces of the band itself, with hundreds of average people riding bikes down the abandoned streets of Los Angeles. This is in respect to the meaning of the song itself, and fits it very well.

the best part about this video, is perhaps that it is filmed in a natural setting. There are no studio lights, no fancy cars, no bells and whistles. It's simply the core cinematography of real life people, all uniting together toward a common goal. This, included with subtle political imagery makes the video a cinematic masterpiece.

Watch it here! You won't regret it, I get goosebumps everytime.