Thursday 18 October 2012

Photoshop is my Life

In my graphic design class, we  use Photoshop quite a bit. However, though I know this program quite well, I never originally used it for photo editing (that came later). I used it for digital painting, which is a whole new realm of illustration, where you "paint" with a mouse or tablet on the computer. You can see these in game designs and concepts for company works.

 Work like this is the end result of digital painting. It is such a malleable new technology that it has changed the way we look at digital art.

Digital painting can also be used in a sense of fine arts. Most of the things I know about photoshop never stemmed from editing photos. It grew from illustrating digitally, looking up step by step tutorials from experts online. is a very valuable place for finding these said tutorials, like the one below. If you want to learn more about photoshop, or perhaps take an interest in digital painting, then I would highly recommend trying it out, and visiting deviantart, viewing all of the different styles and techniques there are to offer.

Pictures from google an deviantart

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