Wednesday 3 October 2012

Oh the Simplicity

After exploring the world of packaging, via sites like the dieline, I have found a new respect for well designed packaging. However, sometimes these packages are more form than function, and therefore lose its original purpose. However, I believe the above example is absolutely amazing in terms of both.

It's amazing how simple the idea of this vodka bottle is, yet it is ingenious in every right. The simple action of a katana cutting the bottle--named Samurai for the effect--makes this design interesting and original. Though it is difficult to do, sometimes simplicity is the easiest approach to design, which is something that some of us forget.

The package of the bottle is also quite elegant and original, with the cut between the bottle lining up on both the package and the bottle itself. It brings back the interaction between the package and the product, directly relating to each other. This is also sometimes forgotten in packaging design, when the package is simply used to sell the product, without relating to it or typing each together.

Overall, I know for a fact that I would buy this over other brands simply because of the original idea of the package and the refined, elegant look to it just screams classy.

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