Thursday 18 October 2012

Colour my World

SSomething I struggle with on a daily basis, whether it be as a designer or an illustrator, is colour choice. Yes, I have sat through the colour wheel lectures and learned about all sorts of lighting, but for some reason my "range" of colours is extremely limited. This is most likely due to the "grass is green", "sky is blue" mentality we have as children.

In reality, the grass can be many shades of green, with different hues added in, with reflective light as well. The sky can be any colour of the rainbow given what time of day it is, or the weather. This concept has always been difficult for me to get ahold of. That's when I found

I found this site a while back, and it has really helped me to create efficient colour palettes for my work, based on the actual colour properties of objects of pictures.

picture from

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